| SC-1/13 | Effectiveness evaluation |   |
The Conference of the Parties, [...]
1. Agrees to initiate arrangements to provide itself with comparable monitoring data on which to base its evaluation of the effectiveness of the Convention analysing among other possibilities the proposed annex II to the note by the Secretariat on effectiveness evaluation;
2. Requests the Secretariat to make use of existing monitoring programmes and datasets where possible in providing the Conference of the Parties with comparable monitoring data;
3. Invites relevant organizations to collaborate in the above arrangements with a view to making monitoring data available for evaluation of the effectiveness of the Convention;
4. Requests the Secretariat to field test the arrangements set out in paragraph 1 above on a national or regional basis subject to available funding, and report the results of the field test to the Conference of the Parties at its third meeting;
5. Requests the Secretariat to develop a background scoping paper for a global monitoring plan for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its second meeting, which includes the following elements: Assessment of existing human health and environmental datasets; Identification of regional data gaps; Assessment of the applicability of existing monitoring programmes within regions as a platform for the global programme; Priorities to implement the plan; Cost estimates for options to implement recommended priorities. |
| SC-2/13 | Effectiveness evaluation |   |
The Conference of the Parties, [...]
1. Agrees to complete the first effectiveness evaluation at its fourth meeting, in 2009; 2. Decides to implement the elements for a global monitoring plan as proposed in the annex to the present decision and urges implementation. The field test requested by the Conference of the Parties at its first meeting, necessary to this implementation, should be carried out according to the elements of the annex to the present decision, subject to the availability of funds; 3. Also decides to establish a provisional ad hoc technical working group of 15 representatives of Parties of the five United Nations regions to coordinate and oversee implementation of the global monitoring plan as provided in the annex to the present decision; 4. Requests the provisional ad hoc technical working group to report on progress in the implementation of the global monitoring plan to the Conference of the Parties at its third meeting; 5. Decides to review the progress of the provisional ad hoc technical working group at its third meeting and to decide whether or not the group should continue; [...]
Annex to decision SC-2/13
Elements for establishing and implementing a global monitoring plan
| SC-3/19 | Effectiveness evaluation |   |
The Conference of the Parties
2. Adopts on a provisional basis the amended global monitoring plan for persistent organic pollutants;
Adopts the amended implementation plan for the global monitoring plan for persistent organic pollutants for the first effectiveness evaluation;
Establishes “regional organization groups” with the mandate and terms of reference specified in the annex to the present decision, invites Parties to nominate members of those groups with expertise in monitoring and data evaluation through their respective Bureau members to the Secretariat and decides that the members of the groups shall include members who serve on the coordination group established in the following paragraph plus up to three additional members, as well as invited experts in relevant fields, as necessary;
5. Establishes a “coordination group” with the mandate and terms of reference specified in the annex to the present decision and invites regional organization groups to nominate members of the group through their respective bureau members to the Secretariat;
Agrees that the amended preliminary version of the guidance on the global monitoring plan for persistent organic pollutants provides an appropriate basis for the Parties to implement the global monitoring plan and requests the Secretariat to arrange for updating the guidance, taking into consideration any comments received from Parties;
Requests the Secretariat to bring the work undertaken in accordance with the present decision to the attention of the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting and to request its assistance in the provision of relevant information;
Invites Parties and others who are members of the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting to provide data on persistent organic pollutants in the Antarctic through their respective regional organization groups;
Requests the Secretariat, within available resources, to support training and capacity building activities to assist countries in implementing the global monitoring plan for the first effectiveness evaluation;
Also requests the Secretariat to work with partners and other relevant organizations to undertake the implementation activities;
Invites Parties that are in a position to do so to support the establishment and the long-term implementation of the global monitoring plan.
Annex to decision SC-3/19
Terms of reference and mandate of the regional organization groups and the coordination group
| SC-4/31 | Global monitoring plan for effectiveness evaluation |   |
1. Takes note of the report of the meeting of the coordination group and encourages Parties when implementing activities under the global monitoring plan to consider the recommendations put forward in the report of the co-chairs of the coordination group;
2. Welcomes the regional monitoring reports and the global monitoring report and concludes that there are data on air and human milk or blood available in all five United Nations regions that can be used as a baseline for future evaluations, noting that not all data were available in time to be included in the monitoring reports;
3. Acknowledges the additional information on human tissue data presented at the fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties and requests the Secretariat in cooperation with the regional organization groups to include those data in annexes to the first regional monitoring reports;
4. Adopts the global monitoring plan for persistent organic pollutants that was provisionally adopted at its third meeting and requests the Secretariat to make non substantive changes as necessary;
5. Also adopts the terms of reference and mandate of the regional organization groups and the global coordination group set forth in the annex to the present decision;
[...]Annex to decision SC-4/31
Terms of reference and mandate of the regional organization groups and the global coordination group
| SC-4/32 | Effectiveness evaluation |   |
Having considered the note by the Secretariat on effectiveness evaluation,
Recognizing that the work required for each effectiveness evaluation is conducted in two stages, |
| SC-5/17 | Effectiveness evaluation |   |
The Conference of the Parties
1. Takes note of the reports of the meetings of the ad hoc working group on effectiveness evaluation;
2. Also takes note of the proposed framework for effectiveness evaluation;
3. Requests the Secretariat to collect and compile the information outlined in the proposed framework and to use the elements and indicators set forth therein to prepare a report for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its sixth meeting; |
| SC-5/18 | Global monitoring plan for effectiveness evaluation |   |
The Conference of the Parties
1. Takes note of the report of the meeting of the global coordination group and encourages parties, when implementing activities under the global monitoring plan, to consider the recommendations put forward in the report of the co-chairs of the coordination group;
2. Welcomes the revisions made to the guidance on the global monitoring plan;
3. Requests the Secretariat to continue to support the continuing process of revising and updating that guidance, subject to the availability of resources; |
| SC-6/22 | Effectiveness evaluation |   |
The Conference of the Parties
1. Takes note of the comments submitted by parties on the proposed framework for effectiveness evaluation and of the report prepared by the Secretariat on the availability of information outlined in the revised framework for effectiveness evaluation and on the use of the elements and indicators set forth therein;
| SC-6/23 | Global monitoring plan for the effectiveness evaluation |   |
The Conference of the Parties
1. Takes note of the report of the meeting of the global coordination group and regional organization groups and welcomes the conclusions and recommendations of the global coordination group;
| SC-7/24 | Effectiveness evaluation |   |
The Conference of the Parties
1. Elects, in accordance with the terms of reference set out in the appendix to the framework for effectiveness evaluation, the following members to serve on the effectiveness evaluation committee until the close of the eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties:
From African States: Ms. Elham Refaat Abdel Aziz (Egypt) |
| SC-7/25 | Global monitoring plan for effectiveness evaluation |   |
The Conference of the Parties
1. Takes note of the reports of the meetings of the global coordination group and regional organization groups and welcomes the conclusions and recommendations of the global coordination group;
2. Welcomes the updated guidance on the global monitoring plan and encourages parties to use it and provide comments on their experience in doing so to the Secretariat through the regional organization groups; |
| SC-8/18 | Effectiveness evaluation of the Stockholm Convention |   |
The Conference of the Parties
Mindful of the purpose of the effectiveness evaluation, namely, to assess whether the
Convention has succeeded in achieving its objective of protecting human health and the environment
from persistent organic pollutants,
Recognizing that conclusions and recommendations by the effectiveness evaluation committee
as to the effectiveness of specific measures of the Convention to achieve its objective have an impact
on all elements of the Convention and are useful in informing the relevant processes and mechanisms
under the Convention, |
| SC-8/19 | Global monitoring plan for effectiveness evaluation |   |
The Conference of the Parties
Noting the priority areas for action recognized in decision SC-8/18 on effectiveness evaluation
as they relate to the global monitoring plan,
1. Takes note of the report on the meetings of the global coordination group; |
| SC-9/17 | Effectiveness evaluation of the Stockholm Convention |   |
The Conference of the Parties
1. Adopts the revised framework for effectiveness evaluation;
2. Requests the Secretariat to prepare a preliminary report to facilitate the evaluation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, using the information obtained from existing arrangements under the Stockholm Convention, along with any other relevant information, and to make it available to the effectiveness evaluation committee following the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties, by 31 January 2022. |
| SC-9/18 | Global monitoring plan for effectiveness evaluation |   |
The Conference of the Parties
1. Takes note of the report of the meeting of the global coordination group and the regional organization groups, including the regional strategies for implementation of the third phase of the global monitoring plan, setting out monitoring arrangements and timelines for the completion of the third regional monitoring reports, and of the report by the United Nations Environment Programme on sustainable monitoring in the framework of the global monitoring plan; |
| SC-10/1 | Election of members of subsidiary bodies under the Stockholm Convention |   |
The Conference of the Parties
I Effectiveness evaluation committee
1. Elects, in accordance with the terms of reference set out in the annex to the framework for the effectiveness evaluation of the Stockholm Convention, the following 10 members to serve on the effectiveness evaluation committee of the Convention until the closure of the eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties: |
| SC-10/18 | Effectiveness evaluation of the Stockholm Convention |   |
The Conference of the Parties
Recalling decision SC-10/4 entitled “Interim programme of work and budget for the Stockholm Convention for 2022”, whereby it, among other things, took note of the information on the modalities for the continuation of the intersessional work and processes of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants emanating from the decisions of the Conference of the Parties at its ninth and previous meetings, including the work of the subsidiary bodies, to be implemented until the end of 2022, in accordance with the interim budget for the Convention for the year 2022, |
| SC-10/19 | Global monitoring plan for effectiveness evaluation |   |
The Conference of the Parties,
Recalling decision SC-10/4 entitled “Interim programme of work and budget for the Stockholm Convention for 2022”, whereby it, among other things, took note of the information on the modalities for the continuation of the intersessional work and processes of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants emanating from the decisions of the Conference of the Parties at its ninth and previous meetings, including the work of the subsidiary bodies, to be implemented until the end of 2022, in accordance with the interim budget for the Convention for the year 2022, |
| SC-11/17 | Effectiveness evaluation of the Stockholm Convention |   |
The Conference of the Parties
Mindful of the purpose of the effectiveness evaluation, namely, to assess whether the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants has succeeded in achieving its objective of protecting human health and the environment from persistent organic pollutants, |
| SC-11/18 | Global monitoring plan for effectiveness evaluation |   |
The Conference of the Parties,
Noting the priority areas for action recognized in decision SC-11/17, on effectiveness evaluation, as they relate to the global monitoring plan,
1. Takes note of the report of the meeting of the global coordination group and the information from the United Nations Environment Programme on its support for the global monitoring plan; |