
First GMP-TWG meeting

Meeting Participants

In total 21 Representatives of 18 countries attended the meeting.

The number of participants per category is as follows:

  • nominated regional representatives: 15
  • non-member experts: 6

GMP-TWG1 Report

Document SymbolTitleEnglish
UNEP/POPS/GMP-TWG.1/6 Report of the Provisional Ad Hoc Technical Working Group (TWG) on the work of its first meeting116 K 130.64 K
UNEP/POPS/GMP-TWG.1/6/AnnexesAnnexes393 K 196.58 K

GMP-TWG1 Documents

Document SymbolTitleEnglish
UNEP/POPS/GMP-TWG.1/0 Provisional Meeting Programme74 K 111.84 K
UNEP/POPS/GMP-TWG.1/1 Terms of reference for the provisional ad hoc technical working group and organization of the first meeting67 K 125.43 K
UNEP/POPS/GMP-TWG.1/2 Draft work plan for the provisional ad hoc technical working group (twg)63.5 K 181.17 K
UNEP/POPS/GMP-TWG.1/4 Proposal on a Framework for Application of Criteria for Evaluation of Monitoring Activities that can potentially contribute to the Stockholm Convention GMP.62.5 K 136.05 K
UNEP/POPS/GMP-TWG.1/5 Draft outline for a global monitoring plan104.5 K 184.6 K
UNEP/POPS/GMP-TWG.1/6 Report of the Provisional Ad Hoc Technical Working Group (TWG) on the work of its first meeting116 K 130.64 K
UNEP/POPS/GMP-TWG.1/6/AnnexesAnnexes393 K 196.58 K