The POPs Review Committee is preparing draft risk profiles for the five chemicals under its consideration taking into account the information submitted by Parties and observers in accordance with Article 8 of the Convention.
Information submitted
Republic of Macedonia (13.01.06) - Submission: 
International Association HCH & Pesticides Association (20.01.06):
Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia (23.01.06) 
Haiti (25.01.06) - French 
World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF) (26.01.06) 
Chemical Check-Up: An analysis of chemicals in the blood of Members of the European Parliament
; Appendix 3: technical analytical report and results 
Contamination: the next generation
Results of the family chemical contamination survey 
Organochlorine Contaminants in Human Adipose Tissues from China: Mass Balance Approach for Estimating Historical Chinese Exposure To DDTs 
Lindane – a review of toxicity and environmental fate 
WWF-UK National Biomonitoring Survey 2003 
Lindane/Information submitted/CropLife International on behalf of Chemtura: - 27.01.06 - Introductory information and Lindane production process 
International POPs Elimination Network (27.01.06) - English 
Ministère de l’Aménagement du Territoire, de l’Eau et de l’Environnement, Maroc (27.01.06) - French 
Mauritius (27.01.06) 
European Community (27.01.06) 
Brazil (27.01.06) 
Lithuania (31.01.06) 
Canada (31.01.06) 
United States of America (31.01.06) 
Australia (02.02.06) 
Japan (07.02.06) 
Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 
Environmental Science and Technology Vol. 38 No. 14 
Marine Pollution Bulletin 
Mexico (10.02.06) 
Note verbale 
Lebanon (15.02.06) 
Poland (23.02.06)