Request for Annex F information and additional<br/> information on adverse human health effects of<br/> endosulfan

Information request:





Invitation to submit information specified in Annex F of the Stockholm Convention and additional information related to adverse human health effects of endosulfan to the POPs Review Committee

Form and submission guidance:

Items: 2 
Guidance on how to complete the form20.17 K
Form for submission of information specified in Annex F (Endosulfan)158 K

Reference documents:

Risk profile decisionAdvance  20.11 K   
Annex FUNEP/POPS/COP/CONVTEXT/F97.01 K 155.87 K 9.34 K 8.78 K 78.48 K 10.72 K
Endosulfan proposalUNEP/POPS/POPRC.4/14235 K 223.55 K 329 K 230.63 K 215.5 K 164.58 K 640.5 K 133.25 K 186 K 271.27 K 431 K 154.49 K
EndosulfanUNEP/POPS/POPRC.4/POPRC-4/581.5 K 67.11 K 70.5 K 143.56 K 43.5 K 73.41 K 60.5 K 73.31 K 66.5 K 155.43 K 69.5 K 73.49 K

In accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 8 of the Convention, the Committee examined the risk profile and decided that endosulfan is likely, as a result of its long-range environmental transport, to lead to significant adverse human health and/or environmental effects such that global action is warranted.

The next step in the process is to prepare a risk management evaluation for endosulfan. An outline of the risk management evaluation has been developed by the Committee (available at The Convention provides that the risk management evaluation will include an analysis of the possible control measures, as well as the socio-economic considerations, and will take into account information to be submitted by the Parties and observers relating to the considerations specified in Annex F.

The Committee shall recommend whether the chemical should be considered by the Conference of the Parties for listing in Annex A (elimination), Annex B (restriction), and/or Annex C (unintentional production) of the Convention, based on the risk profile and the risk management evaluation. The possible control measures may include prohibition or severe restriction of production and use. In its deliberation on the control measures, the Committee will also consider the possible needs for exemptions for use and production. Therefore, your submission of accurate and high quality information is very important for the Committee’s evaluation.

During the preparation of the risk profile as described in Annex E, the Committee noted data gaps related to adverse effects on human health. Therefore, in addition to seeking information under the headings listed in Annex F, the Committee invites further information on adverse human effects of endosulfan to revise the risk profile for consideration at is sixth meeting if appropriate.

How to submit information?

Please collect and submit information specified in Annex F to the Stockholm Convention.

A submission form with a general guidance and explanatory notes developed by the Committee to facilitate the submission of information is available above. Please complete the form and submit it to the Secretariat, preferably by e-mail to

Deadline for submission in English is: 8 January 2010. Information in other UN official languages (Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish and Russian) should be submitted by 17 December 2009.

Concerning the submission of confidential information, please note that the code of practice for the treatment of confidential information in the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee adopted in decision SC-3/9 by the Conference of the Parties is available on the Convention’s website.

For questions, please contact: Ms. Kei Ohno (e-mail:; telephone +41 22 917 8201).