Request for comments on NIP guidance documents

By decision SC-11/7, the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention took note of the newly developed guidance on inventories and alternatives and other revised guidance available on the website.

By decision SC-11/7, the Conference of the Parties, among other things, took note of the draft guidance on inventories and alternatives to the newly listed POPs and other guidance available to support the development and updating of the national implementation plans; guide for the implementation of the Stockholm Convention and the introductory manual on the Stockholm Convention; and the document setting out a draft global approach to the review and updating of national implementation plans pursuant to Article 7 of the Convention that addresses the barriers identified by Parties in order to ensure sustainability in the development, review and updating of national implementation plans.

The Conference of the Parties invited Parties and observers to provide comments on the guidance and the document setting out a draft global approach.

The Conference of the Parties also took note of the electronic templates for the reporting of quantitative and qualitative information contained in national implementation plans in a manner harmonized with the reporting under Article 15 of the Convention, developed in cooperation with the UNEP Chemicals and Health Branch and invited Parties to submit comments on the templates.

Letter date: 1 June 2023

Deadline: 31 October 2023


  • Comments on the guidance on NIP
  • Comments on the electronic template for NIP