Bureau of the Conference of the Parties

In accordance with Rule 22 of the rules of procedure of the Stockholm Convention, as adopted in decision SC-1/1, and amended by decision SC-5/1, the Conference of the Parties shall elect at each ordinary meeting a President and nine Vice-Presidents, one of whom shall act as Rapporteur. These officers shall serve as the Bureau of the Conference of the Parties.

The members of the Bureau shall commence their terms of office at the closure of the meeting at which they are elected and remain in office until the closure of the following ordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties, including for any intervening extraordinary meeting.

Each of the five United Nations regional groups shall be represented by two Bureau members. The offices of the President and Rapporteur shall normally be subject to rotation among the United Nations regional groups. No elected officer may serve on the Bureau for more than two consecutive terms.

Members of the Bureau

Current members of the Bureau

The members of the Bureau, to serve until the closure of the twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties, are as follows:


  • Ms. Maya Berci replacing Ms. Cécile Siewe (Canada - Western European and Others group)


  • Mr. Youssef Zidi (Tunisia - African group)
  • Mr. Christopher Kanema (Zambia - African group)
  • Mr. Mohammed Oglah Khashashneh (Jordan - Asia and the Pacific group)
  • Mr. Yaser Khalil Abu Shanab (State of Palestine - Asia and the Pacific group)
  • Mr. Mario Vujić (Croatia - Eastern European group)
  • Mr. Ivan Djurickovic (Serbia - Eastern European group)
  • Mr. Miguel Eduardo Ruiz Botero (Colombia - Latin American and Caribbean group) (Rapporteur)
  • Ms. Keima Gardiner (Trinidad and Tobago- Latin American and Caribbean group)
  • Ms. Rikke Donchil Holmberg (Denmark - Western European and Others group)

Bureau Members, May 2023 - May 2025 (COP.12)

The Chair of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee is a member ex-officio of the Bureau.

Former members of the Bureau

Bureau Members, May 2022 - June 2023 (COP.11)
Bureau Members, May 2019 - June 2022 (COP.10)
Bureau Members, May 2017 - May 2019 (COP.9)
Bureau Members, May 2015 - May 2017 (COP.8)
Bureau Members, May 2013 - May 2015 (COP.7)

Meetings of the Bureau