Accessing Assistance

There are various sources of technical assistance, as described in the guidance on technical assistance and transfer of environmentally sound technologies, adopted during the first Conference of the Parties in 2005 (decision SC-1/15):

The Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention

The Secretariat, pursuant to paragraphs 2 (b) and (c) of Article 20 of the Convention, should facilitate assistance to the Parties, particularly developing-country Parties and Parties with economies in transition, on request, in the implementation of the Convention, and ensure the necessary coordination with the Secretariats of other relevant international bodies.

Parties who are interested in receiving such support can contact us at:

Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention
Technical Assistance Programme
United Nations Environment Programme
11-13, Chemin des Anémones
1219 Châtelaine (GE)
Fax: +41 (0)22 917 8098

More on financial resources and mechanisms

Regional centres

The Stockholm Convention benefits from a network of 15 Regional and Sub-regional Centres for Capacity Building and Technology Transfer (SCRCs). They provide capacity-building and promote the transfer of technology to assist developing country Parties and Parties with economies in transition to fulfill their obligations under the Stockholm Convention.

The SRCS are autonomous institutions which operate under the authority of the Conference of the Parties. For instance, their selection and their work plans are subject to review and approval by the COP. A SCRC is endorsed for 4 years and their performance during the period is revised by the COP.

More information on SCRCs here.

Intergovernmental organizations

Intergovernmental organizations have an active role in delivering technical assistance to country Parties. This can happen as part of their mandate of implementing agencies of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), or through their individual programmes of assistance, or in partnership with others (for example, through the Inter Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals – IOMC). Other intergovernmental organizations and regional development banks may interact directly at all levels, for example with the Secretariat, with regional and subregional centres, including through their regional offices where appropriate, and with the Stockholm Convention national focal points.

Developed countries through their bilateral development agencies

In coordination with focal points in recipient countries, bilateral development agencies are expected to be actively involved in the provision of technical assistance and should be able to promote funding programmes and identify opportunities, allowing them to tailor their assistance to the needs of recipient countries.


Non-governmental organizations and civil society

Non-governmental organizations and civil society are key players in the implementation of the Convention and are also potential sources of technical assistance. Thus, they can play a direct role in the execution of projects. Their potential to mobilize funding and raise awareness is an important asset at the regional and national levels.

Research institutions and universities

Playing a leading role in scientific research and the discovery and analysis of cutting-edge technology, research institutions and universities can offer valuable information on alternative strategies and remediation programmes for POPs. These entities are resources for training exercises and for locating workshops to allow technical information flow to policy makers, Government regulators and technicians, users and exposed consumers.