Canada | Annex F form | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Reference list | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Austria | Annex F form | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Proposed risk management approach for PFOA, its salts and its precursors and long-chain PFCAs, their salts, and their precursors | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Norway | Annex F form | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Canada Gazette Part II (Vol. 150, No.20) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Norway | PFAS in products | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Austria | Becanova et al. 2016 | 12/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Canada Gazette Part I (Vol. 139, No.3) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Federal Register Vol. 68, No. 73, Wednesday, April 16, 2003, USA | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Results of the 2006 survey on production and use of PFOS, PFAS, PFOA, PFCA, their related substances and products/mixtures containing these substances (OECD, 2006) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Sources, Fate and Transport of Perfluorocarboxylates (Prevedouros et al., 2006) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Proposed risk management measure for PFOA, its salts and its precursors and long-chain PFCAs, their salts and their precursors | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Synthesis paper on PFCs (IOMC, 2013) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Occurrence and use of highly fluorinated substances and alternatives (KEMI, 2015) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Working towards a global emission inventory of PFASS (OECD, 2015) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | New chemicals program review of alternatives for PFOA and related chemicals (USEPA, 2016) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Risk reduction approaches for PFASS (OECD, 2015) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Alternatives to PFASs: Perspectives on the Science (2015) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | The Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Effectiveness of Conventional and Advanced In Situ Leachate Treatment (2014) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Wastewater Treatment Plant and Landfills as Sources of Polyfluoroalkyl Compounds to the Atmosphere (Ahrens et al., 2011) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations (2012) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | An overview of environmental hazards and exposure risk of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) (Tsai, 2005) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Environmental risk assessment of hydrofluoroethers (HFEs) (Tsai, 2005) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Global warming potentials (UNFCCC, 2013) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Global emission inventories for C4–C14 perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acid (PFCA) homologues from 1951 to 2030, part II: The remaining pieces of the puzzle (Wang et al., 2014) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Environmentally friendly fluorinated fluids, Asahiklin®, AE-3000, AC-2000, AC-6000. 2014. | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Occurence of PFCs and PBDEs in Landfill Leachates from Across Canada (Li et al., 2012) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Predicted distribution and ecological risk assessment of a “segregated” hydrofluoroether in the Japanese environment (Newsted et al., 2002) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Environmental risk assessment of hydrofluoroethers (HFEs) (Tsai, 2005) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Developing a California inventory for industrial applications of perfluorocarbons, sulfur hexafluride, hydrofluorocarbons, nitrogen trifluoride, hydrofluoroethers, and ozone depleting substances (Wolf, 2011) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Existing chemical secondary notification assessment (NICNAS, 2006) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Atmospheric perfluorinated acid precursors: chemistry occurrence and impacts (Young and Mabury, 2010) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Existing chemical hazard assessment report: potassium perfluorobutane sulfonate (NICNAS, 2005) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | More environmentally friendly alternatives to PFOS-compounds and PFOA (Poulsen et al., 2005) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Determining the molecular interactions of perfluorinated carboxylic acids with human sera and isolated human serum albumin using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (D'eon et al., 2010) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Ecotox and Pk findings for ammonium perfluorohexanoate (APFHx) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Toxicokinetics of ammonium perfluorohexanoate (Iwai et al., 2011) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | A 24-month oral combined chronic toxicity/carcinogenicity study of perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA) in rats (Iwai et al., 2011) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Combined developmental and perinatal/postnatal reproduction oral toxicity study of ammonium perfluorohexanoate in mice (Iwai et al., 2012) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | In ovo effects of perfluorohexane sulfonate and perfluorohexanoate on pipping success, development, mRNA expression, and thyroid hormone levels in chicken embryos (Cassone et al., 2012) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Technical paper on the identification and assessment of alternatives to the use of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid in open applications (UNEP/POPS/POPRC.8/INF/17) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with perfluorooctane sulfonic acid, its salts and perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride (UNEP/CHW.12/5/Add.3/Rev.1) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Canada | Municipal landfill leachate: A significant source for new and emerging pollutants (Eggen et al., 2010) | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Monaco | Annex F form | 07/10/2016 |  English |
Australia | Annex F form | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Azerbaijan | Response | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Denmark | Annex F form | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Japan | Annex F form | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Serbia | Annex F form | 09/12/2016 |  English |
Colombia | Response | 13/12/2016 |  English |
India | Annex F form | 03/01/2017 |  English |
Mauritius | Response | 09/01/2017 |  English |
China | Annex F form | 07/02/2017 |  English |